Klassik Schweiz - Suisse classique - Swiss classic


Swiss Classical Music, all of classical music, composers, performers, orchestras, organisations, events, festivals, concerts in Switzerland

swiss classical music, classical music in Switzerland, composers, performers and orchestras in Switzerland, concerts, festivals and events of classical music

If you are searching for any of the following topics:

Look no further. You'll find it at SwissClassic!

Switzerland has a rich classical music live; composers as Arthur Honegger, Frank Martin, Othmar Schoeck, Sandor Veress, Rudolf Kelterborn, Rolf Liebermann, conductors as Ernest Ansermet, Charles Dutoit, Armin Jordan, Paul Sacher, Matthias Bamert, orchestras as Orchestre de la Suisse romande, ZürichTonhalle-Orchester, Basel Symphonieorchester, Concert Halls as Victoria Hall Genève, Tonhalle Zurich, Lucerne Congress Center; Festivals as Lucerne, Montreux, Verbier, Gstaad, Opera at Avenches and Solothurn, Geneva Opera House, Zurich Opera House; Performers as Ernst Haefliger, Maria Stader, Lisa della Casa, and many others. Site create by Daniel Andres, composer/conductor at Biel.

At SwissClassic, you'll discover an easy to use, information packed web site. Click here to learn more about swiss classical music.

concerts, festivals and events of classical music, composers, performers and orchestras in Switzerland, classical music in Switzerland, swiss classical music




Copyright C 1999 by Daniel Andres, CH_Biel
Für Fragen und Anregungen wenden Sie sich bitte an: d.p.andres@bluewin.ch
Letzte Aktualisierung: 28. Mai 2013 .